T, 10/18 (in-person regional meet-up, Southeast PA) | W, 10/19 (virtual) | Th, 10/20 (in-person regional meet-up, Northeast PA)
T, 10/25 (in-person regional meet-up, Northwest PA) | W, 10/26 (virtual) | Th, 10/27 (in-person regional meet-up, Southwest PA)
While we hoped 2022 would be “The Reunion Special” rather than “Junior Year of COVID”, we are easing our way toward a full in-person reunion with a hybrid conference experience! Please join conference partners Alliance for Nonprofit Resources (ANR), the Greater Pittsburgh Nonprofit Partnership (GPNP), PANO, and Villanova University on-screen and/or in-person this October as we all continue Building the Plane While Flying It!
If that phrase sounds at all like how you’ve been doing business at your nonprofit, we hear you, we feel you, and we are right there with you. Or maybe it feels more like “flying by the seat of your pants” (we are with you there, too). As we slowly emerge from the immediate crisis of COVID, what does it look like to go from flying by the seat of our pants to actively Building the Plane While Flying It? How do we push forward with the creativity, agility, and resilience we’ve honed since early 2020 with a level of intention we haven’t had the privilege of exercising in the face of constant pivoting?
With this year’s conference theme, we hope to unpack all that and more through the following workshop tracks:
Speaking of workshop proposals, we want to hear from YOU! We’ve all been building various planes while flying them lately, whether that means wearing extra hats while recruiting for open positions, piloting a new program to meet community needs while simultaneously trying to fund it, or something else entirely. Click here to learn more about our Request for Workshop Proposals and submit your workshop idea today! Deadline for submissions is 5:00 PM Friday, August 12, 2022.
Finally, special thanks to our sponsors for helping to make this year’s conference possible. Scroll down to learn more about each of our wonderful corporate partners who are bravely diving into the cockpit with all of us.
Want to get your company in on the action? Learn more about sponsorship opportunities here!