State Advocacy

Cost-Savings through Increased Efficiencies and Timely Payments

PANO supports regulatory changes that increase efficiencies and nonprofit-government partnerships.

Proposed regulatory changes could include reducing redundancies across state agencies (e.g. common pre-award processes, budget templates, use of a single audit, reporting template and central depository vault). PANO also seeks regulatory changes that ensure timely payments of dollars earned by nonprofits through government grants and contracts.

Partnering for Impact: Government-Nonprofit Contracting Task Forces Produce Results for Taxpayers
Nonprofits and governments can reduce their own costs, improve services provided to constituents, and return greater value to taxpayers by creating government-nonprofit task forces to develop and implement recommendations to reform contracting practices and procedures. That is the key finding of a report of the National Council of Nonprofits, which conducted an extensive analysis of joint task forces in nine states charged with rooting out waste while maintaining and even enhancing accountability.

The report provides a how-to guide for nonprofits, working with their State Associations, who want to streamline the government-nonprofit contracting process. It also provides practical guides for building collaborative relationships with government officials. Download the Report

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