In 2014, PANO noticed an increase in requests from our nonprofit community for support with all kinds of important work, ranging from strategic planning to board training and everything in between. The requests soon outpaced PANO’s capacity to keep up so we began making referrals to a small group of consultants who had already been involved in our work – and thus was born the Consultant Collaborative!
Since then, this group has grown to include consultants from all over the Commonwealth and beyond, bringing a wide range of expertise, skills, knowledge, and connections to our members and non-members alike. The beauty of this group, in addition to the contributions of each of our individual members, is the value of their collective wisdom. The strengths of each consultant complement the others and we bring that added value to our nonprofit clients through the Consultant Collaborative. In the first quarter of 2024, we’ve contracted with nearly 15 organizations with projects like HR assistance (including a pay equity analysis), strategic planning, board governance, bylaws and policy review, and more.
The Consultant Collaborative gathers once a month via Zoom to get to know one another and the unique expertise each brings to the table, to share ideas, to troubleshoot challenges together, and to discuss ways to lift up the nonprofit sector as a whole.
Members of the Consultant Collaborative have the opportunity to work with nonprofits requesting consulting support through PANO in areas ranging from board retreat facilitation and fundraising to human resources and merger assistance. While the Consultant Collaborative has helped consultants to grow their business, this is not its primary purpose; its goals, as a group, are to:
You can learn more about the Consultant Collaborative and what to expect if you become a member in the Memorandum of Understanding (things like required insurance and other documents PANO will need to have on file, details about how projects are awarded including a revenue share agreement with PANO, etc.).
Welcome to the online application process for consultants interested in helping PANO serve nonprofits in Pennsylvania. This informs the on-boarding interviews that will determine the “goodness of fit” for all parties.
If interested in becoming a Standards for Excellence PA Licensed Consultant, please click here to learn more.