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Racial Justice Resources

Join a Cohort. Lead the Change.

PANO is on a mission to assess and improve our Standards for Excellence through a racial justice lens. Our goal is to remove implicit bias from the current Standards language and identify where inclusion can be embedded in the policies and practices.

To that end, PANO has convened 13 assessment cohorts to help lead the change in this important initiative. Thank you to all 97 nonprofit board and staff members who have given their time, energy, and wisdom to this effort over the last year! We look forward to sharing our findings and recommendations from these cohorts later in 2023.

Learn more

PANO’s Equity in Action Fund

In 2021, PANO launched our Equity in Action (EIA) Campaign to address the nonprofit racial leadership gap, highlighted by Building Movement Project’s Race to Lead Revisited report, by providing direct support to nonprofits led by people of color. Specifically, we used funds raised through this campaign to lower cost barriers for organizations led by people of color to access any of our services most needed by their organization – from consulting and training to membership fees and Standards for Excellence resources (and more!). In the words of Tess Lojacono, founder of the first organization that benefited from the EIA Fund, “The term ‘action’ is what excites me about this campaign. We see so many organizations talking about the implications of systemic racism and raising issues of equity…we need to stop talking about it and start doing something about it.”

Yes, Tess! Less talking, more doing. Put equity into action with us!

Maher Duessel is proud to support PANO’s efforts to provide racial justice resources for nonprofits. We are a certified Women’s Business Enterprise CPA firm committed to promoting cultural diversity and inclusion.

Ted Talks, YouTube Videos, and Webinars
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Your Nonprofit